Congratulations to everybody who completed yesterday’s marathon. I was down with the Teenage Cancer Trust teams helping their runners on to massage couches at the end of the 26.2 miles and it was an awe-inspiring day.
I was particularly thrilled to have massaged the legs of two semi-professional footballers, and the amazing Matthew Loddy who is running a marathon every day for 30 days (he has previously run 100 in 100, so 30 should be no sweat, right?!). Matthew completes his 30 at the London Marathon next Sunday, so keep an eye out for him. You can do your bit without the day-glo lycra or breaking a sweat: check out his fundraising site Please also spare a thought for the family and friends of Sam Harper, 23, who collapsed at mile 16 of yesterday’s race and later died. At time of writing Sam’s JustGiving page has exceeded £11,000 and tributes continue to flood in.
No doubt there are a few people hobbling around today, and so a good massage to help release the lactic acid, soothe release tight muscles and help improve mobility of those stiff joints will do post-marathon legs the power of good. Get down to Brighton Bodyworks with your marathon medal and we will gladly give you £10 off any full body treatment. And if you can bear it, go for a very gentle jog – just two or three miles – to get everything moving again. Sometimes a little pain is the best medicine!