The biceps brachii muscle is made up of two different parts – the long head and the short head. It acts to flex the elbow (in lifting) and supinate the forearm (for example opening a door handle, unscrewing a jar lid), as well as flex the arm at the shoulder.
The proximal tendon of the biceps – which sits in the bicipital groove at the shoulder – is worth investigating if you are suffering from pain in the front of the shoulder, pain in taking the arm out to the side, and pain in shoulder flexion (lifting your arm in front of you) and any clicking/catching in the shoulder. When the long head biceps tendon is sitting correctly in the groove, it can be palpated and feels not dissimilar to a piece of spaghetti.
If the long head of the biceps (an external rotator) is overwhelmed by the short head of the biceps, the pec minor etc (internal rotators) this biceps tendon can end up forced out of the bicipital groove. If you have pain in the front of your shoulder and have been doing an activity where your arm is elevated, abducted and externally rotated, this may be your issue.
The good news is, if your long head tendon has become displaced, it can be re-located back in to the bicipital groove fairly easily. Call for an assessment – 01273 729691.