Cupping has been an important part of Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and is now firmly establishing itself as part of clinical care within areas of the NHS. Chinese cupping here at Brighton Bodyworks is a modified version of the eastern practise – combined with swedish or deep tissue massage – and the results it produces are impressive.
Glass cups are placed on the body’s meridiens (energy channels) creating suction so that tissue can be lifted and moved, as opposed to more typical massage where the tissue is compressed. This suction draws toxins and stagnation from deep in the tissue, relieving chronic tension and making the accompanying massage much more effective. It drains excess fluid and stimulates the flow of freshly oxygenated blood and nutrient rich lymph to the tissues.
* Please note that cupping can cause marks to the skin where toxins are drawn to the surface tissue, to be later flushed by the body. These are temporary but can remain visible for anything between a few hours to several days following treatment.
1 hour treatment, £50