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Immune Supporting Prawn Curry

This curry has a warmth to it but is not overly hot; a great immune supporting & warming meal. It contains plenty of anti-inflammatory ginger, garlic and bio yogurt to help...

New Opening Hours

Brighton Bodyworks is back! Having been away enjoying some family time, bonny baby Charlie is now six months old and spending a bit of time mano e mano with his Dad so that I can...

BalmBalm Tip of the Week

USE YOUR ORGANIC FACIAL MUSLINS FOR A SUPER SKIN CONDITIONING FACIAL MASK Smooth a light layer of your favourite Balm Balm balm over your face. Soak a muslin cloth in hot water....

New-mum booster

Half-price Postnatal Massage – with your baby! I love seeing new mums in my clinic. With two littl’uns myself, I understand first-hand the amazing impact that massage can have on...
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